

敬請填寫 共同工作空間問卷 「共同工作空間於台灣興起的原因」
目前我們在協助臺北大學不動產城鄉環境學系四年級的學生秦子媛,進行畢業專題研究「共同工作空間於台灣興起的原因-從台灣辦公室市場發展脈絡檢視」,為了能夠傾聽空間需求者的寶貴意見,下面是我們的線上問卷,如果能協助填寫或將問卷推薦至相關的社群、與你一起來使用不鳥穀空間的夥伴,將可以讓我們能更進一步了解大家的想法,會對我們的研究有相當大的幫助,謝謝你 😀
這是台北大學的研究,歡迎大家協助填寫 共同工作空間問卷 ,謝謝幫忙>U<
PSS:如果您也有用過其他共同工作空間,也可另外填寫一份,例如混hun、趣工作、卡士達、changee、Jupiter room木星人、創業酒吧、奧聚共同工作空間、創立方、拾窗
有需要也歡迎與我們的官方的LINE帳號 @ace9448q
或電話 (070)10172371 進行聯繫😄


以下是在 不鳥穀 舉辦的 近期活動 ,歡迎來看看喔~





不鳥幣,或稱鴀幣,是本協會透過「乙太坊Ethereum」的「智能合約」進行群眾募資(Initial Coin Offring,縮寫ICO)時發行的加密貨幣,藉此建立數位資產與慈善的連結,打造劃時代的公民參與和社會服務。


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Originally in Latin the word caritas meant preciousness, dearness, high price. From this, in Christian theology, caritas became the standard Latin translation for the Greek word agape (ἀγάπη), meaning an unconditional love for others.[citation needed] This much wider concept is the meaning of the word charity in the Christian triplet “faith, hope and charity”, as used by the Douay-Rheims and the King James Version of the Bible in their translation of St Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians. However, the English word more generally used for this concept, both before and since (and by the “King James” Bible at other passages), is the more direct love. (See the article Charity (virtue).)

St Paul’s agapē was not primarily about good works and giving to the poor[dubious ] (And though I feed the poor with all my goods, and though I give my body, that I be burned, and have not love [agapē], it profiteth me nothing—1 Cor 13:3, Geneva translation, 1560), although in English the word “charity” has steadily acquired this as its primary meaning, wherein it was first used in Old French at least since the year 1200 A.D..

While the methods of giving may vary (food, money, clothing, health care), there are three main kinds of charity: pure, public, and foreign. Pure charity is entirely gratuitous. Public charity is charity that benefits the whole rather than the individual. Foreign charity is when the beneficiary lives in a country different from where the funds or services are being sent from.[2]



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